Visa Free Countries for Chinese Passport Holders

It’s such a hassle to travel overseas if you are a Chinese passport holder like me. But there are actually a few countries that do not require a visa even for the Chinese. The list of visa free countries is as below:
1. ANDORRA. But we have a little problem here. It is a small country with no international airport. Thus, you need to enter the country from Spain or France. However, it is hard to get the European Schengen Visa to France and Spain. 
2. ARUBA. Not only Chinese citizens but also other tourists from the world enjoy the privilege except people from Bengali and Afghanistan. In addition, you have to bear in mind that you are only allowed to stay in the country for 14 days. 

3. BENIN. Chinese citizens are allowed to stay in that country for 3 months with valid passports. 

4. COOK ISLANDS. Chinese citizens can stay there for 31 days. However, there is no direct airline to that country. If you want to go there, you had better have a plan first. My suggestion is to go through Manila. 

5. DOMINICA (not Dominican Republic). You can stay there with your round trip ticket. 

6. MALDIVES. Get your visa upon arrival with no money. You can extend your stay but you need to submit your application to the emigrant bureau at least 3 days in advance. To extend your stay, you have to pay MVR750 and you are allowed to stay there for 90 days at most. 

7. MAURITUS. You can stay there for 15 days with your valid passport.

8. MICRONESIA. You can get your visa after arrival and stay there for 30 days.

9. NEPAL. It is the same as MALDIVES. You can get your visa after arrival with no pay and are allowed to stay there for 30 days.

10. SAMOA. You can stay there for 60 days. Your visa will be issued after your arrival. 

11. SEYCHELLES. You can stay there for 30 days and your visa will be issued after your arrival. However, there are some requirements: Hotel Reservation Form, round trip air ticket and at least 150 dollars expense per day.

12. SOLOMON ISLANDS. You can stay there for 3 months and the VISITORS PERMIT is issued when you arrive. 

13. SRI LANKA. You can stay there for 30 days. 

14. SYRIA. The visa on arrival is for free. For traveling purpose, you have to book individual or group travel through Syrian travel agencies in advance. 

15. TURKS& CAICOS ISLANDS. You can stay there for 30 days without visa. To be honest, I don’t know where it is. 

16. TUVALU. After arrival, you can get the tourist visa and stay there for one month. 

17. VANUATU. You can enter that country without visa. The officer in the emigrant bureau has their say on how long you can stay in their country.

18. EGYPT. Actually, Egypt has severe requirements on visa. However, if you enter Egypt from Sham El Sheik, Tabu or Sant Katherine on Sinai Pen. and make sure that you won’t go anywhere out of Sinai Pen., you can stay there for 14 days.

19. RUSSIA, only for group travelers. I went to Russia this way in 2006, and it was visa free. 

But if you are a US Permanent Resident like me, you are entitled to travel to the additional countries below visa free. You just need to present your Permanent Resident Card and your Chinese Passport at the port of entry.
1. Canada
2. Mexico
3. Bahamas
4. Jamaica
5. Eastern Caribbean States
If you are curious about which passport is most useful to travel with. Continue to read. I found a list of the ranking and the number of countries the passport holder can travel to without a visa.
1. Finland 130
1. Denmark 130
1. United States 130
2. Ireland 129
2. Sweden 129
2. Germany 129
3. United Kingdom 128
3. Italy 128
3. France 128
3. Japan 128
4. Spain 127
4. Norway 127
4. Switzerland 127
4. Belgium 127
5. Netherlands 126
6. Luxembourg 125
6. Austria 125
6. Canada 125
6. New Zealand 125
7. Portugal 123
8. Singapore 122
9. Malaysia 120
9. Iceland 120
9. Greece 120
9. Australia 120
10. Liechtenstein 116
11. Korea, Republic of 115
13. Hong Kong 110
14. Chile 109
18. Israel 104
19. Hungary 101
19. Argentina 101
20. Brazil 99
21. Mexico 98
28. Croatia 84
34. Romania 73
37. South Africa 65
40. St. Kitts & Nevis 62
46. Dominica 52
46. Turkey 52
55. Taiwan 42
62. United Arab Emirates 35
62. Russian Federation 35
64. Serbia and Montenegro 32
65. Saudi Arabia 31
67. Thailand 29
71. India 25
71. Bosnia and Herzegowina 25
72. Egypt 24
75. Jordan 21
78. China 18
78. Korea, Dem People’s Republic 18
79. Pakistan 17
81. Iraq 15
82. Iran 14
83. Afghanistan 12
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我刚在上周办理了国外学历学位认证,现在详细总结给游子们看一下,希望对你们以后必须经历的这一过程会有所帮助哦! 在学校颁发的学位证书.成绩单和大使馆教育处开具的《留学人员回国证明》都拿到手之后,就可以去办国外学历学位认证了。认证时间不受时间限制,只要提供的材料充足有效,随时都可以去各地受理点受理。 申请认证流程:网上注册新用户申请——准备认证材料去选定的受理点审核和缴纳费用——查询认证进度——领取认证结果 我来说说具体过程: 一, 登录国外学历学位认证系统首页注册新用户。浙江的朋友还需注册浙江海外人才网注册一下,对认证申请和结果会有帮助,认证结果通知就在这个网站上,别忘咯!。这个简单,如实填好表格保存就行,保证信息真实有效。 把所有的材料都准备好,材料包括 一张二寸彩色证件照片; 在国外获得的所有源语言学位证书或高等教育文凭正本原件及复印件; 需认证学位的完整、官方正式成绩单原件及复印件;国外研究学位获得者,需提供学校开具的官方证明信原件及复印件,证明信内容涉及学习起止日期,研究方向,所授予学位等信息; (证明信的话我是在学校开的Award confirmation,去学生办公室开,不要钱,可以多开几分备用,如果你没有这份证明信,直接打给学生办公室让他寄到你中国的住址,或者让你还在学校的同学帮你去开,写清地址给你寄到中国,OK) 需认证的国外证书和成绩单(研究证明)的中文翻译件原件(须经正规翻译机构(公司)进行翻译,个人翻译无效);(我是杭州的,所以在受理点旁边就有几家正规翻译机构,把原件带上,每份150元,翻译费用300元) 申请者留学期间所有护照(含所有留学期间的签证记录及出入境记录)原件及复印件;(提醒一下大家,如果你在留学期间 去了其他国家旅行在护照上有签证和出入境记录,都必须复印,我当时以为只需要往返中国和英国的出入境记录就行,其实不然,记得千万要把所有记录都复印哦,即使你已经使用了新护照,旧护照也必须有的哦) 中国驻外使(领)馆开具的《留学回国人员证明》原件及复印件;(这个是必须的材料,在之前的办理此证明流程的帖子中已经说的很详细了,没有这份文件是不能认证的) 出国前最后高等教育文凭原件及复印件。 申请者亲笔填写的授权声明(登陆,下载打印并填写好) 。 缴费汇款单存根复印件。 另:官网上的材料只是显示了这么多,我去受理点的时候受理老师叫我再出具在英国的学生证和居住证,这个是我当时没有想到的,因为官网上没有写,受理老师说最好是有这些材料,更充分一点,因为学生证已经留在英国,只能回家拿了居住证(警察局注册信)去复印然后快递到受理点,受理点才会把你之前一起准备的材料邮寄去北京总部办理,所以还是一次性弄好,省的麻烦哦! 所有的材料都必须带上原件和复印件,受理点只收复印件,原件是在当场审核的,看完之后你就可以带回家了。 缴费方式: (1)现金支付:仅限于直接到北京教育部留学服务中心提交认证申请材料的申请人。费用在受理之时收取,教育部留学服务中心开具交费发票; (2)银行汇款:申请人在外埠验证点(北京总部以外的受理点)递交申请材料,请将认证费汇到以下账号: 开户银行:中国民生银行北京成府路支行 户  名: 教育部留学服务中心 账  号: 0132014210001422 (只可汇学历学位认证费,共360元人民币;汇款时须注明认证申请人姓名) 需要另缴百分之一的手续费,3.6元,所以准确地说,一共要缴363.6元。 * 如需退款,每笔退款,银行收取5.5元手续费; * 请汇款时务必在汇款单的“附加信息及用途”中注明认证申请人的姓名、生日和认证费,填写格式如下:“张三19820301认证费”。(不清楚的话去问一下银行工作人员,他们会指导你填汇款单) * 办理完汇款手续后,请将汇款单存根的清晰复印件附于申请材料内。发票将在认证工作结束后与认证结果一并寄回外埠验证点。 北京总部认证的工作日是15-20天,所以在北京的朋友认证结果比其他省市的要快很多,其他各省市受理点需要大概2个月,因为工作日是15-20天不变,但之中包括寄到总部和总部发回认证结果的时间段,所以请大家耐心等待吧。时常登录教育部留学服务中心查询自己的认证进度。等到网上显示“认证完成”后,受理点会打电话给你,让你去受理点领取认证结果,所以联系电话必须正确并且在两个月之内有效哦。 人品大爆发,两个月零一周我的认证就下来了,两张原件,一张是教育部发的黄色的纸张,有钢印,还有一张是教育部红色公章的备份原件(只要有原章,就是原件)记得拿到以后再复印几份,以备不时只需,去拿认证的时候,工作人员说我很幸运,三个月没下来的大有人在,我是小部分两个月多一点就拿到的,哈哈,人品+材料齐全,所以很顺利。

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I have been cursed

The past four weeks have been dramatic.

I was robbed by a black kid on a bike on a flat viewing in vauxhall, my grandpa was in critical condition in the hospital, my grandpa passed away, and now I left with no house to live. How can I have positive energy……

I dont want to be the person who complains to people all the time… and you can imagine how you would like to ever continue to read a blogger like me who has only negative thoughts to share. Lets try to google analytics in a while and see how many people actually visits my blog and leave happily after.

I feel trapped. I cannot go anywhere. I cannot get any jobs I want. I cannot maintain a relationship. and I cannot make people happy. etc.

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Today, I have met jimmy the second time in London. He gave me his published book “whose dream is flying” excuse my direct translation. 

He wrote that, in order to fulfill a dream, you need perseverance. Not only keep collecting and writing materials, it also need determination to do the editing work, find publishers and launch it. I admire that.

My experience with my personal website could be one example. My 6 years of consistant architecture training made my portfolio really thick. I didnt have the last minute determination to curate it carefully. I need to do it.

I keep saying that life is rich only when you collect things. I know I like collecting things, friendships, well crafted objects, thoughts, moments and memories. But it is really hard to keep a good discipline and document them into my library. A lot of treasure has lost along the way when I feel lazy and just stopped doing it. Only until the time I feel like I need to tidy up, then I did a last minute thing. This can never achieve a good quality.


I need to start tomorrow.

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pleading for love

yes, i am pleading him for an answer

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Myself one

Dear myself,


You did put your emotion out there and it is nothing more to say, but see his responds.

You need to treat yourself well and be happy. There are so much things to do!

Meet your friends and do the things you like.

Just be yourself and no one can break it.

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Cheng incentive

I think my thoughts were ill. It might be the result growing up with a single parent who was hurt by a cheating partner. However, the course of cheating is ambiguously stated. I have never questioned why but only believe in one side of the story and I have also never talked to the cheated part how the decision was made.

My world view has always been questioning the people who are the most closest to me if they are trustworthy. The childhood story has shaped me into a person who really trust no one. Especially the one who are close to me the most. Is it a choice or a decision.

In order to solve this never ending problem is to stat believing in the the good incentives of people. Stop questioning….

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cited china daily.

Show me your Ferrari, and I’ll show you my wine cellar
Updated: 2012-03-23 11:39

By Xiao Xiangyi (China Daily European Edition)
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A private wine cellar is now a symbol of social status, life quality and taste. Provided to China Daily
Expense, it seems, has no limit to those who have acquired a taste for wines
If a wine connoisseur can spend 12,000 yuan ($1,900, 1,440 euros) on a bottle of Lafitte or Latour, he or she probably has enough money to build a private cellar to store the investment.
As demand for fine wine, especially expensive vintage wine, soars in China, wine cellar design firms are becoming well-versed in interior and wine storage design.
In recent years, wine has begun to denote wealth. High-end open houses and luxury new car releases frequently revolve around wine tasting parties.
According to the International Wine and Spirit Research’s 2012 China Wine Market Report, wine consumption in the country increased 33.4 percent year-on-year to 156 million nine-liter cases (12 750-milliter bottles a case) last year. China is the world’s fifth biggest wine consumer after the United States, Italy, France and Germany.
“A professional, private cellar is not only a cradle of the Grand Cru babies, but is also a symbol of social status, life quality and taste,” says Chen Qiang, referring to a quality wine. He is the chief designer heading a 20-strong team at Sicao Wine Cellar in Shenzhen, one of China’s earliest cellar design firms.
Chen, who used to be an interior designer in Shenzhen, first came to Beijing in 2006 to design a cellar for a Spanish restaurant.
“At first, we were actually learning from the European cellars and exploring our own ways to construct a local one in a different climate and a different situation.”
Chen’s company has grown rapidly in Beijing since 2006. He says revenue has been growing at least 70 percent a year.
“Only three people out of a hundred might know what wine storage cabinets were in 2007. But now, more than 30 would say they have heard about them.”
Most of the cellar owners are business tycoons or celebrities who have a yearly income of at least 10 million yuan.
“We intend no offense, but our customers naturally belong to the upper class. They travel frequently among countries and bring back the wine they like. Anyway, they have to be affluent enough to build a cellar and moreover, to fill it.”
“The biggest collector I have worked for has more than 30,000 bottles of vintage wines, which would probably amaze many wine sellers.” He is now working on a huge project, a 6,000 to 9,000-square-meter cellar for a celebrity that will cost at least 40 million yuan.
More than 960,000 people on the mainland have personal wealth exceeding 10 million yuan; about 60,000 are billionaires. Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai top the list of cities home to those with personal wealth of more than 10 million yuan, with 170,000, 157,000 and 132,000 millionaires in each city respectively, according to the 2011 Hurun Wealth Report.
In line with the report, custom wine cellars are mostly found in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Cellar design firms first appeared in coastal cities in southeastern China, close to Hong Kong, in 2004 or 2005. They have been expanding their business to Beijing, and Sichuan and Shanxi provinces.
Wine is best stored at a constant temperature (12 C to 15 C) and humidity (about 65 percent), low lighting, free from vibration and optimum racks.
“An air conditioner to control the temperature and humidity is the soul of a cellar,” says Li Chunhui, general manager at Wine Town’s Beijing office, stressing the importance of the cooling system.
Chen says cellars in China are usually equipped with better functioning cooling systems than those in Europe.
“Chinese moneybags always want extremely good equipment, even when they aren’t quite familiar with it. For example, one will first buy all professional equipment and clothing before learning how to ski, even better equipped than professional athletes,” he says.
The cost of a basic cellar ranges from 15,000 to 30,000 yuan. A 20-square-meter cellar, which can store at least 500 bottles of wine, costs about 400,000 yuan.
Only 10 percent to 20 percent of the total cost goes toward the design and planning, 20 percent is for cooling and 60 percent is for fittings, such as wine racks and decorations, says Chen Liang, general manager of Shenzhen Raching, one of the top three wine storage solution providers in China.
Raching’s success is another piece of evidence of the soaring demand in the wine storage market. For each of the past three years, Raching’s revenue has grown 100 percent. Its revenue last year topped 200 million yuan.
Cellar design firms are the typical partner with architecture design studios and real estate companies.
“Real estate companies are sparing no effort to make high-end properties more competitive. A property with a fine wine cellar is becoming more appealing for homebuyers,” Chen Liang says.
Designers sometimes struggle when they are told to put fashion before function. Some customers request a wine rack made of rare Hainan scented rosewood or sandalwood, pushing the total cost to more than 10 million yuan for a 20-square-meter cellar.
“The most expensive does not mean the best,” says Xie Jiaxin, sales manager of Wine Town Cellar Design. “The optimum wood for the wine rack should be oak, for it is not likely to become deformed in the environment of low temperature and high humidity.”
Wine Town, based in Shanghai, is one of the top custom wine design companies in China. It plans to establish another office in Shanxi province this year. “Cottages in Shanxi are usually very big and cellars of hundreds square meters are very common there, perhaps due to the relatively low housing price and the many wealthy people there,” Li says.
The potential of the Chinese wine storage market is unknown, because China is far from the land of vintage wine. Unlike people in France who can buy high-quality wine at any time, Chinese need good conditions for wine storage to safeguard and improve the quality of their Premier Cru treasures, Li says.
“Wines are never dead things. They are like sleeping beauties, and they grow in bottles as time goes by. You have to provide them with the right shelter.”
Apart from the storage function, private cellars give much added value to homeowners. The rich are usually only too eager to impress their friends and guests with a large collection of fine wines in their cellars.
“There is a gradual recognition among wealthy wine lovers. It is sometimes even regarded as the code to enter the upper class.”
Li believes a private cellar shouldn’t just be a privilege for wealthy people. As knowledge and awareness of wine storage spreads, more wine enthusiasts can construct them.
The most unforgettable project he has worked on was a 10-square-meter cellar, which cost about 100,000 yuan, for a retired worker in his old apartment.
“It was a small one, but delicate and full of joy,” he says

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